S/K/E/K/K er sýningarstýrð hönnunarverslun og sýningarrými sem helgar sig því sem hæst ber í alþjóðlegri samtímahönnun og -handverki.
Ört vaxandi þáttur í starfsemi S/K/E/K/K er þátttaka í framleiðslu einstakra muna í samstarfi við marga af fremstu hönnuðum samtímans á borð við David Taylor, HAHA Studio, And Anti Matter o.fl.
S/K/E/K/K is a curated design store and limited edtion gallery which strives to offer to its customers the most refined contemporary designs and crafts.
A growing part of our operation is calloboration with the designers themselves in order to create unique objects and design works. Designers include David Taylor, HAHA Studio, And Anti Matter among others.