100.900 kr
DESIGN: Big Game.
L: 52,6 x W: 44 x H: 78 cm.
100.900 kr
DESIGN: Big Game.
L: 52,6 x W: 44 x H: 78 cm.
100.900 kr
DESIGN: Big Game.
L: 52,6 x W: 44 x H: 78 cm.
100.900 kr
DESIGN: Big Game.
L: 52,6 x W: 44 x H: 78 cm.
100.900 kr
DESIGN: Big Game.
L: 52,6 x W: 44 x H: 78 cm.
114.900 kr
DESIGN: Big Game.
L: 52,6 x W: 44 x H: 78 cm.
114.900 kr
DESIGN: Big Game.
L: 52,6 x W: 44 x H: 78 cm.
114.900 kr
DESIGN: Big Game.
L: 52,6 x W: 44 x H: 78 cm.
114.900 kr
DESIGN: Big Game.
L: 52,6 x W: 44 x H: 78 cm.
114.900 kr
DESIGN: Big Game.
L: 52,6 x W: 44 x H: 78 cm.
149.900 kr
Design: Francesco Faccin
Pelleossa is a slender, eclectic chair that expresses its character through detail. It is inspired by the Italian chairs of pre-industrial times, sporting the attitude of conceptual art. Also available with armrests, it completes with the different combinations of the seat.
Introduced in 2013, this year we revisited it with the rushed seat, an archetype of the vernacular tradition throughout the world. We use the checkered weave to rush the seat, a strong method that distributes the weight evenly across the surface.
With this new version, Pelleossa is destined never to grow old, paying homage to Chiavari chairs ancestral imagery.
132.900 kr
Design: Francesco Faccin
Pelleossa is a slender, eclectic chair that expresses its character through detail. It is inspired by the Italian chairs of pre-industrial times, sporting the attitude of conceptual art. Also available with armrests, it completes with the different combinations of the seat.
Introduced in 2013, this year we revisited it with the rushed seat, an archetype of the vernacular tradition throughout the world. We use the checkered weave to rush the seat, a strong method that distributes the weight evenly across the surface.
With this new version, Pelleossa is destined never to grow old, paying homage to Chiavari chairs ancestral imagery.
137.900 kr
Design: Skrivo
Inspired by 20th-century Austrian chairs, Brulla is a stackable wooden seat. Its defining aesthetic is given by the juxtaposition of curves and straight lines, creating a strong sense of identity and minimalist spirit: the dynamic momentum of the backrest and back legs meets a slightly tilted cane-webbed seat, balanced harmoniously by the front legs. Thus, its retro taste combines with the distinctive profile of the legs, which, together with other discreet details, enrich Brulla with contemporary codes.
97.900 kr
DESIGN: Nitzan Cohen.
The Solo chair is the perfect combination of practicality, simplicity, and refinement. With its robust construction and rounded edges, it is suitable for all residential, commercial, and hospitality applications, offering an elegant solution to any space. Its intricate yet simple design makes it both practical and modern.
Made in Italy
82.900 kr
HÖNNUN: Fredrik Paulsen.
001 Borðstofustóllinn hefur sterka nærveru enda klossaður og stoltur af því. En hann er þrátt fyrir þessi einkenni sín, hannaður með þægindi í huga og afar gott að sitja í honum í þessum löngu notalegu matarboðum. Þessi fágaði brútalismi er dæmigerður fyrir verk Paulsens sem og ást hans á furu; efnivið sem hann lýsir sem síkadelískum vegna líflegra og náttúrulegra æða hans. "Maður nýtur þessarar áferðar best á stóru yfirborði" segir Paulsen - kenning sem hér hefur verið raungerð.
Framleiddur í Finnlandi úr sjálfbært vottaðri Finnskri furu.
Allar vörur Vaarnii eru framleiddar í Finnlandi af litlum og sérvöldum húsgagnasmiðum. Öll furan sem notuð er, er hogginn úr sjálfbærum Finnskum skógum, PEFC vottuð og hæg ræktuð.
Furan hefur afar sterkan karakter. Vegna olía og resíns sem myndast náttúrulega, breytir hún hægt og rólega um lit eftir því sem hún eldist. Kjarnaviður og tréviður eldast mis hratt sem leiðir til þess að húsgögnin verða dásamlega mynstruð. Liturinn jafnast svo smám saman út og þroskast í átt að fallegum hunangsgljáa yfir árin.
Þrátt fyrir að viður furunnar sé harðasti mjúki viðurinn muntu komast að því að hann mun dældast og rispast með tímanum. Við biðjum þig um að taka þessum karaktereinkennum fagnandi.
Hráefnið sem notast er við er handvalið í þeim tilgangi að tryggja sem allra hæstu gæði. Þökk sé eðli viðarins hefur hvert og eitt húsgagn sitt sérstaka mynstur og tón.
DESIGN: Fredrik Paulsen
Our Dining Chair has instant presence, this is an unapologetically brawny chair. But despite its heft, the Dining Chair has been designed for comfort and makes an enjoyable seat for long and loose dinners. Such refined brutality is typical of Paulsen’s work. As is a love of pine; a material he describes as ‘psychedelic’ because of its lively natural grain. It is best enjoyed over large surface areas, says Paulsen – a theory put into practice here.
Made in Finland of Finnish pine.
All Vaarnii products are locally made by a small number of expert Finnish makers. All pine wood is harvested from sustainably managed Finnish forests, PEFC certified and slow grown.
Pine is very characterful material. As a result of the naturally occurring oils and resins, pine will change colour as it ages. Heartwood and sapwood will start aging at a different speed resulting in gorgeous stripy patterns. The color will gradually even out and mature to a beautiful honey tone over the course of years.
Although our pine wood is the hardest soft wood you can find, it will dent and scratch over time. We ask you to embrace these characterful signs of aging.
Our raw material is hand selected for maximum quality. Because of the nature of wood, each product has a unique grain, colour, and pattern.
87.900 kr
DESIGN: Egon Eiermann.
The SE68 dining chair was originally designed as an orchestra chair back in 1951. The chair has become an iconic piece of furniture valuing comfort and aesthetics and has become very popular among architects and other creative people. The comfort is unique whether it is upholstered or not.
216.900 kr
DESIGN: Norm Architects.
While attending the Ariake design workshop in Saga – we found many interesting details within the factory, assembly line, storage and showroom. We choose to build this chair together with the craftsmen, taking bits and pieces from different items that had character, and worked towards refining the proportions and details, creating an “Outline” drawing in 1:1 which was then used to produce the prototype. It was an enjoyable and effective work process with an outcome that has both classic and modern influences. - Norm Architects.
Sumi Ash.
W: 480 mm. / D: 525 mm. / H: 830 mm. / SH: 450 mm.
4 - 13 vikur. Vinsamlegast hafið samband og athugið lagerstöðu.
216.900 kr
DESIGN: Norm Architects.
While attending the Ariake design workshop in Saga – we found many interesting details within the factory, assembly line, storage and showroom. We choose to build this chair together with the craftsmen, taking bits and pieces from different items that had character, and worked towards refining the proportions and details, creating an “Outline” drawing in 1:1 which was then used to produce the prototype. It was an enjoyable and effective work process with an outcome that has both classic and modern influences. - Norm Architects.
W: 480 mm. / D: 525 mm. / H: 830 mm. / SH: 450 mm.
4 - 13 vikur. Vinsamlegast hafið samband og athugið lagerstöðu.