83.900 kr
DESIGN: Fredrik Paulsen.
Our Bar Stool has instant presence, this is an unapologetically brawny chair. But despite its heft, the Bar Stool has been designed for comfort and makes an enjoyable seat for long and loose dinners. Such refined brutality is typical of Paulsen’s work. As is a love of pine; a material he describes as ‘psychedelic’ because of its lively natural grain. It is best enjoyed over large surface areas, says Paulsen – a theory put into practice here.
Made in Finland of Finnish pine.
Material: Pine.
Dimensions: H 65 cm. / B 41 cm. / D 45 cm.
Lead time: 8 - 10 weeks.
Svipsterkur barstóll í furu, hannaður af Fredrik Paulsen.
86.900 kr
HÖNNUN: Fredrik Paulsen.
001 Borðstofustóllinn hefur sterka nærveru enda klossaður og stoltur af því. En hann er þrátt fyrir þessi einkenni sín, hannaður með þægindi í huga og afar gott að sitja í honum í þessum löngu notalegu matarboðum. Þessi fágaði brútalismi er dæmigerður fyrir verk Paulsens sem og ást hans á furu; efnivið sem hann lýsir sem síkadelískum vegna líflegra og náttúrulegra æða hans. "Maður nýtur þessarar áferðar best á stóru yfirborði" segir Paulsen - kenning sem hér hefur verið raungerð.
Framleiddur í Finnlandi úr sjálfbært vottaðri Finnskri furu.
Allar vörur Vaarnii eru framleiddar í Finnlandi af litlum og sérvöldum húsgagnasmiðum. Öll furan sem notuð er, er hogginn úr sjálfbærum Finnskum skógum, PEFC vottuð og hæg ræktuð.
Furan hefur afar sterkan karakter. Vegna olía og resíns sem myndast náttúrulega, breytir hún hægt og rólega um lit eftir því sem hún eldist. Kjarnaviður og tréviður eldast mis hratt sem leiðir til þess að húsgögnin verða dásamlega mynstruð. Liturinn jafnast svo smám saman út og þroskast í átt að fallegum hunangsgljáa yfir árin.
Þrátt fyrir að viður furunnar sé harðasti mjúki viðurinn muntu komast að því að hann mun dældast og rispast með tímanum. Við biðjum þig um að taka þessum karaktereinkennum fagnandi.
Hráefnið sem notast er við er handvalið í þeim tilgangi að tryggja sem allra hæstu gæði. Þökk sé eðli viðarins hefur hvert og eitt húsgagn sitt sérstaka mynstur og tón.
DESIGN: Fredrik Paulsen
Our Dining Chair has instant presence, this is an unapologetically brawny chair. But despite its heft, the Dining Chair has been designed for comfort and makes an enjoyable seat for long and loose dinners. Such refined brutality is typical of Paulsen’s work. As is a love of pine; a material he describes as ‘psychedelic’ because of its lively natural grain. It is best enjoyed over large surface areas, says Paulsen – a theory put into practice here.
Made in Finland of Finnish pine.
All Vaarnii products are locally made by a small number of expert Finnish makers. All pine wood is harvested from sustainably managed Finnish forests, PEFC certified and slow grown.
Pine is very characterful material. As a result of the naturally occurring oils and resins, pine will change colour as it ages. Heartwood and sapwood will start aging at a different speed resulting in gorgeous stripy patterns. The color will gradually even out and mature to a beautiful honey tone over the course of years.
Although our pine wood is the hardest soft wood you can find, it will dent and scratch over time. We ask you to embrace these characterful signs of aging.
Our raw material is hand selected for maximum quality. Because of the nature of wood, each product has a unique grain, colour, and pattern.
389.900 kr
DESIGN: Fredrik Paulsen
Just as the Dining Chair makes no excuses for its heft, Fredrik Paulsen’s Dining Table is similarly forthright about its purpose. This is a piece of furniture designed to work hard for generations to come. The lively grain of solid pine is especially present over the table’s large surface areas whilst the simple logic and artistry of its making is enjoyably explicit.
Made in Finland of Finnish pine.
All Vaarnii products are locally made by a small number of expert Finnish makers. All pine wood is harvested from sustainably managed Finnish forests, PEFC certified and slow grown.
Pine is very characterful material. As a result of the naturally occurring oils and resins, pine will change colour as it ages. Heartwood and sapwood will start aging at a different speed resulting in gorgeous stripy patterns. The color will gradually even out and mature to a beautiful honey tone over the course of years.
Although our pine wood is the hardest soft wood you can find, it will dent and scratch over time. We ask you to embrace these characterful signs of aging.
Our raw material is hand selected for maximum quality. Because of the nature of wood, each product has a unique grain, colour, and pattern.
279.900 kr
DESIGN: Fredrik Paulsen
Just as the Dining Chair makes no excuses for its heft, Fredrik Paulsen’s Dining Table is similarly forthright about its purpose. This is a piece of furniture designed to work hard for generations to come. The lively grain of solid pine is especially present over the table’s large surface areas whilst the simple logic and artistry of its making is enjoyably explicit.
Made in Finland of Finnish pine.
All Vaarnii products are locally made by a small number of expert Finnish makers. All pine wood is harvested from sustainably managed Finnish forests, PEFC certified and slow grown.
Pine is very characterful material. As a result of the naturally occurring oils and resins, pine will change colour as it ages. Heartwood and sapwood will start aging at a different speed resulting in gorgeous stripy patterns. The color will gradually even out and mature to a beautiful honey tone over the course of years.
Although our pine wood is the hardest soft wood you can find, it will dent and scratch over time. We ask you to embrace these characterful signs of aging.
Our raw material is hand selected for maximum quality. Because of the nature of wood, each product has a unique grain, colour, and pattern.
69.900 kr
Design: Dimitri Bahler
Material: Pine.
Dimensions: H: 45 cm. / W: 51 cm. / D: 26 cm.
Lead time: 8 - 10 vikur.
769.000 kr
Design: Soft Baroque
Material: Pine.
Dimensions: H: 35 cm. / W: 120 cm. / D: 80 cm.
Lead time: 8 - 10 weeks.
749.000 kr
Design: Max Lamb
Material: Pine
Dimensions: H: 72 cm. / B: 66 cm. / D: 64 cm. / Seat: 40 cm.
Lead time: 8 - 10 vikur
589.000 kr
Design: Kwangho Lee
Material: Pine
Dimensions: H: 45 cm. / B: 180 cm. / D: 40 cm.
Lead time: 8 - 10 vikur
379.900 kr
Design: Kwangho Lee
Material: Pine.
Dimensions: H 45 / B 40 / D 40
Lead Time: 8 - 10 weeks.
62.900 kr
DESIGN: Industrial Facility
Industrial Facility describe the Alter Mirror as a ‘small piece of architecture for the wall’. The mirror is characterful and distinct but also intended as a quiet addition to an interior; a piece of furniture that is comfortable and ready to serve. The mirror has angled sides made from solid pine surrounding a copper-tinted mirror ‘to embrace you warmly’ say Industrial Facility. Plus, there are additional assets discreetly hidden along one side of the mirror; a helpful row of small hooks.
Made in Finland of Finnish pine.
57.900 kr
DESIGN: Mac Collins
The form of Mac Collins’ Bowl is definite and unwavering in its evocation of sturdiness and stability. A low centre of gravity is achieved by a shallow bowl elevated, like a platform, on top of thick legs. The Bowl is confident, advertising its longevity, to provoke a long-lasting attachment through their endearing character, but their design is also a reply to the specific qualities of pine; ‘It was important to me that the design would be as honest and deliberate as the material’. The qualities of the wood are shown off through a combination of straight lines and curves, horizontal and vertical grains.
Made in Finland of Finnish pine.
23.900 kr
DESIGN: Livia Lauber
The lively grain that is a much-appreciated characteristic of pine is celebrated in these elementary but effective table-top accessories by Livia Lauber. Alongside this honest use of material, carefully considered details enhance the design; such as a small gap beneath the edge to allow easy lifting and a softened edge to make the trays comfortable in the hand. The strong geometric shapes of the Square and Rectangular Tray appeal singularly or when stacked, in use or at rest.
Made in Finland of Finnish pine.
16.900 kr
DESIGN: Sarah Kaye Rodden
This set of three Wall Hooks are as much decorative objects as they are functional items. Designer Sarah Kaye Rodden’s sculptural process involved carefully taking away material from simple forms. The voids she created give the objects intriguing shapes but also invite a casual and versatile style of hanging. The hooks invite their owners to hang clothes, towels and other objects on, through and over the hooks in an ever-changing installation.
Made in Finland of Finnish pine.
Sold out
Design: Vaarnii.
The shape of this humble object is inspired by the traditional lumberjack’s splitting wedge; an everyday tool used in the harvesting of timber. Transferred from the forest floor to yours, the Doorstop is made from solid pine and features a hole to aid easy grasping. This is a timeless and uniquely useful device, perfect for gifting or to be put to use in your own home for generations to come.
Material: Pine.
Dimensions: H 18 cm. / B 8 cm / D 5 cm.
499.900 kr
DESIGN: Cecilie Manz
Just like it’s partner, the Kolmio Dining Table, this bench is designed for everyday use. Beneath its seemingly straight-forward form is a unique engineering solution; a sandwich of material made from an inner layer of offcut pine encased by perfect planks. Everything is revealed in the Kolmio’s distinctive and strong profile, only a slight chamfer edge is conceded to soften the severity.
Made in Finland of Finnish pine.
997.900 kr
DESIGN: Cecilie Manz
The Kolmio Dining Table is sturdy and stable, and it looks that way too. ‘People will intuitively understand Kolmio as a very solid piece of furniture’ says Cecilie Manz. In order to achieve such great expanses of wood, Manz has created a unique sandwich of material where an inner layer of offcut pine is encased by perfect planks. The result is an impressively economical and engineered material. Kolmio is strong and severe, designed to take everything the day, the year, the decade, can throw at it.
Made in Finland of Finnish pine.
465.900 kr
DESIGN: Henrik Tjaerby
The innovative heat-treated pine used in the Osa Outdoor Dining Table is stronger, lighter and better suited to withstanding the elements than its indoor alternative. Henrik Tjaerby’s design uses a standardised T shaped section and minimal components in a modular system. The ingenuity of construction means that Osa Tables and Benches can be span great lengths. Osa is an explicitly functional design that is robust, resilient and adaptable.
Made in Finland of Finnish pine.
All Vaarnii products are made locally by a small number of expert Finnish makers. All pinewood is harvested from sustainably managed Finnish forests and is PEFC certified.
Our outdoor products are made of heat-treated pine, Lunawood ThermoWood®. Thermowood is a non-toxic material produced by using only heat, and steam.
Products will start reacting with UV light very quickly and begin changing colour towards a beautiful silver tone once unboxed. The products will reach their final color after approximately one year outdoors.
Although our pine wood is the hardest soft wood you can find, it will dent and scratch over time. We ask you to embrace these characterful signs of aging.
289.900 kr
DESIGN: Henrik Tjaerby
A partner to the Osa Outdoor Dining Table, the Osa Bench is made from the same innovatively heat-treated pine. Henrik Tjaerby’s design for the Osa Outdoor Series uses a standardised T-shaped section and minimal components in a modular system. The ingenuity of construction means that Osa Tables and Benches can be span great lengths. Osa is an explicitly functional design that is robust, resilient and adaptable.
Made in Finland of Finnish pine.
All Vaarnii products are made locally by a small number of expert Finnish makers. All pinewood is harvested from sustainably managed Finnish forests and is PEFC certified.
Our outdoor products are made of heat-treated pine, Lunawood ThermoWood®. Thermowood is a non-toxic material produced by using only heat, and steam.
Products will start reacting with UV light very quickly and begin changing colour towards a beautiful silver tone once unboxed. The products will reach their final color after approximately one year outdoors.
Although our pine wood is the hardest soft wood you can find, it will dent and scratch over time. We ask you to embrace these characterful signs of aging.
92.900 kr
DESIGN: Henrik Tjaerby.
Made from heat-treated pine able to withstand the harshest environmental conditions, the Osa Outdoor range by Henrik Tjaerby is explicitly functional and purposefully elemental in its design. The Osa Dining Chair is intended for use alongside our Osa Outdoor Table, sharing the same proportions and distinctive seating planks. It is tough; designed to survive both wet weather and sun exposure, and reliable; timeless seating from which to enjoy many summers. This is a chair with limitless potential that needs little explanation, says Tjaerby.
Made in Finland.
239.900 kr
DESIGN: Studiomama
Norppa is a rocking toy that takes its name and form from the endangered Finnish Norppa seal. Whilst all Vaarnii products are designed to last, this concept is especially appropriate for Norppa, an object that should be cherished by multiple generations. Norppa is skilfully milled from solid pine with the distinctive grain adding contour and expression to the seal shape and face. Every characterful Norppa Rocking Toy will be subtly different from the next.
Made in Finland of Finnish pine.
64.900 kr
DESIGN: Faye Toogood.
Add this footstool to your Peace Outdoor Lounge Chair for enhanced ergonomic comfort. Together, they create a fully reclined position for ultimate relaxation and total contemplation. Due to its flat surface, the Peace Stool can also serve as an easy outdoor table. Built from the same thickly cut and rounded heat-treated boards as the Peace Lounge Chair, the sturdy stool can be moved wherever and used however you wish.
Made in Finland.
256.900 kr
DESIGN: Faye Toogood.
With extreme proportions and explicit ergonomics, this uncompromising outdoor chair by Faye Toogood is pine furniture at its most constructive. Its low profile hugs the earth, a high back provides seclusion and support, and a wide seat and broad armrests offer ultimate sitting comfort. The Peace Chair nods to archetypal Adirondack chairs of the past. But it is the generous use of weather resistant heat-treated pine and its timeless profile that gives Peace its longevity. Peace is destined for a special position under open skies. There it can slowly and beautifully age, remaining a permanent and dependable refuge for generations to come.
Made in Finland.
102.900 kr
DESIGN: Ronan Bouroullec.
Simple and strong, the Maasto Chair is an ode to pine. Maasto is Instantly archetypal, a hardworking seat for daily dining at home or in public spaces with a seamless profile and brutally honest design. Maasto’s uncomplicated silhouette is created by combining plywood sides for strength, reduced bulk and simplicity of construction, with a solid pine seat and back for durability. Our specially-made Finnish plywood features an exaggerated grain, producing an intoxicating hyper-pine aesthetic. The Maasto Dining Armchair is equipped with plywood arms for maximum seating comfort.
Made in Finland.
92.900 kr
DESIGN: Ronan Bouroullec.
Simple and strong, the Maasto Chair is an ode to pine. Maasto is instantly archetypal. A hardworking seat for daily dining at home or in public spaces with a seamless profile and brutally honest design. Maasto’s uncomplicated silhouette is created by combining plywood sides for strength, reduced bulk, and simplicity of construction, with a solid pine seat and back for durability. Our specially-made Finnish plywood features an exaggerated grain, producing an intoxicating hyper-pine aesthetic.
Made in Finland.
398.900 kr
DESIGN: Vaarnii.
The Aamu Bed Frame is an effortless but essential object for those who demand the same brutally efficient design where they sleep as where they eat and lounge. The Aamu Bed Frame is constructed from reassuringly hefty slabs of Finnish pine, cleverly engineered to slot together without the use of additional fixings. Purposefully designed to be unobtrusive, unadorned and strong, the Aamu Bed Frame has been created by our in-house design team and arrives flat-packed in two sizes. Just add a mattress and the Aamu Bed Frame will be there to support you, every night, for decades to come.
All Vaarnii products are locally made by a small number of expert Finnish makers. All pine wood is harvested from sustainably managed Finnish forests.
Pine is very characterful material. As a result of the naturally occurring oils and resins, pine will change colour as it ages. Heartwood and sapwood will start aging at a different speed resulting in gorgeous stripy patterns. The color will gradually even out and mature to a beautiful honey tone over the course of years.
Although our pine wood is the hardest soft wood you can find, it will dent and scratch over time. We ask you to embrace these characterful signs of aging.
Our raw material is hand selected for maximum quality. Because of the nature of wood, each product has a unique grain, colour, and pattern.
Matte wood oil (Osmo Color hardwax-oil 3062 matt)
017 Aamu Bedframe 160 is 180 cm wide and fits a 160 cm wide mattress. 017 Aamu Bedframe 180 is 200 cm wide and fits a 180 cm mattress.
Comes flat-packed
103.900 kr
DESIGN: Hans-Agne Jakobsson
The warm glow of light filtering through pine veneer combined with an unexpectedly graphic and elemental form is the enduring appeal of these iconic designs by Hans-Agne Jakobsson. When Vaarnii began exploring the use of pine wood in lighting design, it quickly became clear that the iconic designs of Hans-Agne Jakobsson from the 1960’s could not be bettered. Pine is used efficiently; it’s tone and grain are employed to maximum effect in designs that project material mass but boast actual lightness. Vaarnii has re-engineered three of Jakobsson’s pendant designs using solid Finnish pine to support circular strips of high-quality pine veneer, reintroducing these classic 20th century designs to the market after decades of absence.
Handcrafted in Finland.
133.900 kr
DESIGN: Hans-Agne Jakobsson
The warm glow of light filtering through pine veneer combined with an unexpectedly graphic and elemental form is the enduring appeal of these iconic designs by Hans-Agne Jakobsson. When Vaarnii began exploring the use of pine wood in lighting design, it quickly became clear that the iconic designs of Hans-Agne Jakobsson from the 1960’s could not be bettered. Pine is used efficiently; it’s tone and grain are employed to maximum effect in designs that project material mass but boast actual lightness. Vaarnii has re-engineered three of Jakobsson’s pendant designs using solid Finnish pine to support circular strips of high-quality pine veneer, reintroducing these classic 20th century designs to the market after decades of absence.
Handcrafted in Finland
244.900 kr
DESIGN: Hans-Agne Jakobsson.
Big, brazen, and a whole lot of pine, the Hans Pendant XL delivers a substantial dose of iconic design. After re-engineering Hans-Agne Jakobsson’s characteristic sixties lighting, Vaarnii understood that the designs innovative lightweight construction could be extended even further. The super-sized Hans Pendants uses the same concentric circles of veneer and sophisticated interior structure of solid Finnish pine as their smaller-sized siblings but tests the limits of lighting manufacture with their scale. More softly filtered light, more pine surface, more imposing, the 70 cm 1002 Hans Pendant XL brings maximum impact to interior spaces with its brutal scale and metres of finest pine veneer.
The Hans series of lighting is made in Finland using solid pine for internal structure and the finest pine veneer for exterior surfaces. As every light is handmade using a natural material, each object is subject to subtle variations in symmetry. Every Hans light is therefore unique.
Pine is an especially characterful wood. As a result of naturally occurring oils and resins, pine changes colour as it ages. Vaarnii uses both pine heartwood and pine sapwood. These two different types of wood mature at different speeds, resulting in a beautifully stripped surface. This exciting patterning is a temporary stage and should be enjoyed while it occurs. Your Vaarnii pine product will gradually even out to a rich honey tone over the course of several years.
H: 45 cm. x W: 70 cm.
179.900 kr
DESIGN: Hans-Agne Jakobsson
The warm glow of light filtering through pine veneer combined with an unexpectedly graphic and elemental form is the enduring appeal of these iconic designs by Hans-Agne Jakobsson. When Vaarnii began exploring the use of pine wood in lighting design, it quickly became clear that the iconic designs of Hans-Agne Jakobsson from the 1960’s could not be bettered. Pine is used efficiently; it’s tone and grain are employed to maximum effect in designs that project material mass but boast actual lightness. Vaarnii has re-engineered three of Jakobsson’s pendant designs using solid Finnish pine to support circular strips of high-quality pine veneer, reintroducing these classic 20th century designs to the market after decades of absence.
Handcrafted in Finland.
304.900 kr
DESIGN: Hans-Agne Jakobsson
Big, brazen, and a whole lot of pine, the Hans Pendant XL delivers a substantial dose of iconic design. After re-engineering Hans-Agne Jakobsson’s characteristic sixties lighting, Vaarnii understood that the designs innovative lightweight construction could be extended even further. The super-sized Hans Pendants uses the same concentric circles of veneer and sophisticated interior structure of solid Finnish pine as their smaller-sized siblings but tests the limits of lighting manufacture with their scale. More softly filtered light, more pine surface, more imposing, the 90 cm 1003 Hans Pendant XL brings maximum impact to interior spaces with its brutal scale and metres of finest pine veneer.
The Hans series of lighting is made in Finland using solid pine for internal structure and the finest pine veneer for exterior surfaces. As every light is handmade using a natural material, each object is subject to subtle variations in symmetry. Every Hans light is therefore unique.
Pine is an especially characterful wood. As a result of naturally occurring oils and resins, pine changes colour as it ages. Vaarnii uses both pine heartwood and pine sapwood. These two different types of wood mature at different speeds, resulting in a beautifully stripped surface. This exciting patterning is a temporary stage and should be enjoyed while it occurs. Your Vaarnii pine product will gradually even out to a rich honey tone over the course of several years.
H: 45 cm. x W: 90 cm.